CD: Набатов Семён "No Kharms Done"

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Издательство: Leo Records, 2022

Вес: 60 г.

Подарочное издание, диджипак. Диск произведён в Англии.

1. Pursuing
2. Scratching Song
3. A Man Left His House
4. Interlude 1
5. Hunger
6. Falling Into Filth
7. Nonsense
8. Petrakov
9. 7 or 8
10. Watchman
11. Interlude 2
12. I Don't Like Children

Recorded at LOFT Cologne September 26 2021 by Christian Heck

Simon Nabatov – piano
Phil Minton – voice
Matthias Schubert – tenor saxophone
Wolter Wierbos – trombone
Jim Black – drums, live electronics
Daniil Kharms – words

Чтение стихов Даниила Хармса на английском под фриджазовый аккомпанемент Семёна Набатова и его группы.

Some years from now Nabatov’s works will be studied in universities. Because for over two decades of his life he devoted to people who managed to create radical new forms in the midst of terrible repression. They are people like Josef Brodsky, Mikhail Bulgakov, Daniil Kharms, Isaac Babel, and some others. This is Nabatov’s sixth CD devoted to revolutionary Russian writers. It takes a huge talent to set these characters to music and this CD is a true Nabatov triumph. He is accompanied by Phil Minton (voice), Matthias Schubert (saxophone), Walter Wierbos (trombone), Jim Black (drums).

Семён НабатовДаниил Хармс

Набатов Семён - No Kharms Done

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Столяр Роман "Credo"
Electroshock Records , 2003
1000 р. В корзину