CD: Сборник белорусского фолка "Tradycyja 2. Бяседныя песні"

Цена: 1700 р.

Издательство: Авторское издание, 2019

Вес: 100 г.

Подарочное издание, диджибук с многостраничным буклетом, слипкейс.

1. Сядзем, сядзем, пабяседаваем (бяседная)
“Siadziem, siadziem, pabiasiedavajem...” (“Let’s sit down and have a talk ...”) Vitsebck region, Bahusheusk rural council, Sianno district, urban settlement Bahusheusk. Recorded in 1996.

2. Мелодыя песні "Ой, піла я, піла”(скрыпка)
The tune of the convivial song “Oj, pila ja, pila...” (“Oh, I was drinking…”) is played on the violin.
Aliaksandr Litvinchuk, born in 1925, plays the violin.
Homel region, Mazyr district, village Zabalattse. Recorded in 1981.

3. Ой на лугу на лужочку (лірычная)
“Oj, na luhu, na lužočku…” (”Oh, on the meadow, little meadow…”)
Group “Babina Leta”
Brest region, Pruzhany district, village Aranchytsy. Recorded in 2005.

4. Ой, не злуе мой міленькі (жартоўная)
“Oj, nie zluj, moj milieńki...” (“Oh my darling isn’t angry…”)
Minsk region, Salihorsk district, village Ananchytsy. Recorded in 1987.

5. Расіца й расілася (бяседная)
“Rasica j rasilasia…” (“Dew was watering…”)
Hrodna region, Astravets district, Paluzhski farm. Recorded in 1970.

6. Вясельны найгрыш, выконваецца “да чаркі” (кларнет)
A wedding arrangement “to a shot glass” is played on the clarinet.
Homel region, Yelsk district, village Kazly. Recorded in 1982.

7. Ох і любая да бяседанька (бяседная)
“Och, i liubaja da biasiedańka...” (“Oh my dear folks at table…”)
Homel regions, Brahin district, village Biarozki. Recorded in 1992.

8. Ох, ты солавей, драбная пташка (хрэсьбінная застольная)
“Och, ty solaviej, drabnaja ptaška…” (Oh, you nightingale, a small bird ...”)
Vitsebsk region, Pastavy district, village Savichy. Recorded in 1961.

9. Ой там за гарою (любоўная)
“Oj, tam za haroju…” (“Oh, over there behind the mountain ...”)...
Minsk region, Uzda district, village Taukachevichy, Biarozavaya Paseka (Birchtree Beehive). Recorded in 1972.

10. Спорадзіла ж мене маці (кірмашовая)
“Sporadzila ž mienie maci...” (My mother gave birth to me…”) belongs to fairground songs.
Mahiliou region, Asipovichy district, village Maiseyevichy. Recorded in 1973.

11. Як пашоў я на базар (жартоўная)
“Jak pašoŭ ja na bazar...” (“As I went to the farmers market ...”) belongs to humorous songs.
Minsk region, Salihorsk district, village Ananchytsy. Recorded in 1987.

12. Мелодыя лірычнай песні “Ой, вырасла рожа”
The tune of the beyond-ceremony song “Oj, vyrasla roža...” (“Oh, a rose has grown ...”) is played on the violin.
Homel region, Mazyr district, village Zabalattse. Recorded in 1981.

13. Учора ня быў (любоўная)
“Učora nia byŭ…” (“Yesterday he didn’t come …”) is a love song. It can be performed anytime.
Minsk region, Uzda district, village Taukachevichy, Biarozavaya Paseka (Birchtree Beehive). Recorded in 1972.

14. Прыпевачныя мелодыі (скрыпка і шархуны)
Sing-as-accompaniment tunes are played on the violin and hand-rattles.
Minsk region, Krupki district, village Abchuga. Recorded in 1974.

15. Пагнала бабка казельку ў поля (лірычная)
“Pahnala babka kazieĺku ŭ polia…” (“As an old woman got a goat running to the field ...”
Minsk region, Krupki district, village Abchuga. Recorded in 1974.

16. Стаіт гара высокая (аўтарская)
“Stait hara vysokaja...” (“There stands a high mountain, and at the foot of the mountain there is a grove…”
Brest region, Pruzhany district, village Stoily. Recorded in 1997.

17. Ой, на горцы, горцы (балада)
“Oj, na horcy, horcy...” (“Oh, on the hill, on the hill ...”) is a ballad.
Minsk region, Uzda district, village Taukachevichy, Biarozavaya Paseka (Birchtree Beehive). Recorded in 1972.

18. Найгрыш “Расхадная” (скрыпка)
“Raschadnaja” (“Breaking up”) song is played on the violin.
Minsk region, Krupki district, village Abchuga. Recorded in 1974.

19. Ой, вы столікі мае пазасціланые(“гасцінная”, бяседная)
“Oy, vy stoliki maye pazastsilaniye…” (Oh, my tables covered with table cloths...” belongs to “hospitality” songs. The song contains a hostess’ address to her guests.
Village Malyia Haradziachytsy, Liuban district. Recorded in 1988.

20. У цёмным лузe (любоўная)
“U tsiomnym luzie…” (“In the dark meadow ...”) belongs to love songs that can be performed anytime. The song is about a woman’s fate and her reluctance to marry an unloved man.
Village Yaminsk, Liuban district. Recorded in 2008.

21. А ў каго, а ў каго явар на дварэ (хрэсьбінная)
“A u kaho, a u kaho yavar na dvare” (“And who, and who has a sycamore in the courtyard ...” belongs to baptizing songs. This song is performed at the table to greet a midwife and godparents of the newly born baby.
Village Pirahi, Dubrouna district. Recorded in 1989.

22. Чарка нова ды гарэлкі ж няма (застольная)
“Charka nova dy harelki zh niama: (“Another glass but there’s no vodka to fill it...”) belongs to convivial songs that created a festive atmosphere.
Village Felixava, Lida district. Recorded in 1992.

23. Найгрыш да танца “Тустэп”
Tunes for the Two-step dance. Performed by an instrumental trio.
Village Haurylchytsy, Salihorsk district. Recorded in 1988.

24. Ой, чарка моя – половына солы (застольная)
“Oy, charka maya, polovyna soly…” (“Oh, my shot glass, half full of salt ...”) belongs to convivial songs. The song encourages those at the table to have a drink and portrays the atmosphere of the feast.
Village Lobcha, Luninets district. Recorded in 2010.

25. Церэбі мне дарогу (бяседная)
“Tserebi mnie darohu…” (“Show me the way ...”) belongs to convivial songs. The song is about a sister’s meeting with her brother and their concerns about children of premarital age.
Village Sosny, Liuban district. Recorded in 2008.

27. І наварыў брацец півa (бяседная)
“I navaryu bratsets piva…” (“And the brother brewed beer”) belongs to convivial songs. The song tells how a brother invited his poor and wealthy sisters.
City of Polatsk. Recorded in 1995.

28. Раса росу расіла (гасцявая)
“Rasa rosu rasila…” (“Dew was watering dew…”) belongs to “guest”, convivial songs. The song was performed on the third (last) day of the fair, and it indicated its completion.
Village Baranava, Staryie Darohi district. Recorded in 2006.

29. Да вой груша мая разкудравая (лірычная)
“Dy voy hrusha maya razkudravaya…” (“Oh my curly pear tree…”) is not a ceremony song. It could be performed anytime. The song is about a widow who is waiting for her beloved one.
Village Haurylchytsy, Salihorsk district. Recorded in 2009.

30. Я выпіла, выхіліла (бяседная)
Ya vypila, vykhilila…” (“I’ve had a shot of vodka and made it bottom up…”) belongs to convivial songs. The song tells about treating guests at the table.
Village Felixava, Liza district. Recorded in 1992.

31. Найгрыш да танца “Полька”
A tune for the Polka dance. Performed by an instrumental trio.
Village Haurylchytsy, Salihorsk district. Recorded in 1988.

32. Выпыймо, родэ (бяседная)
“Vypiymo, rodeh ....” (“Let’s drink, folks”) belongs to convivial songs. The song is about a family get-together.
Village Pinkavichy, Pinsk district. Recorded in 2010.

33. Ой, да сонцэ, да сонцэ, да яснае (лірычная)
“Oy da sontse, da sontse yasnaye…” (“Oh, the sun, bright sun ...”) “Ой, да сонцэ, да сонцэ, да яснае…” is a beyond-ceremony, lyrical song performed anytime. The song is about a brother and sister’s get-together.
Village Haurylchytsy, Salihorsk district. Recorded in 2009.

34. А дайце мне дайце сем чарак гарэлкі (застольная)
“A daitsie mnie, daitsie sem charak harelki…” (“Oh give me seven shot glasses of vodka…”) belongs to baptizing convivial songs. The song portrays the atmosphere of the feast.
Recorded in 1969.

35. Ой, лыціла зозулэнькa
“Oy, lytsila zozulenka ...” (“Oh, a cuckoo bird was flying…”) Village Navasiolki, Drahichyn district. Recorded in 2015.

1–18 Archive of the Institute of Art History, Ethnography and Folkore, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (original abbreviation – AIMEF)
19–32 Studio recordings made by Tacciana Piesniakievič and Iryna Maziuk.
33–34 Bonus tracks

Бяседныя (застольныя, гасцявыя, п’яніцкія, карчомныя, банкетовыя, пірушачныя, кірмашовыя) песні — частка багатай і разнастайнай фальклорнай спадчыны беларусаў. Гэта песні, якія спявалі на святы, калі ў застоллі збіраліся разам сям’я, суседзі і знаёмыя.

Запісы на дыску «Бяседныя песні» складаюцца зь дзьвюх частак. Першая — песьні і найгрышы з Архіву Інстытуту мастацтвазнаўства, этнаграфіі і фальклёру імя К. Крапівы НАН Беларусі, сабраныя ў экспэдыцыях з 1960-х. Другая частка — студыйныя запісы, запісаныя Тацянай Песьнякевіч пераважна ў студыі Дома радыё ў Менску. Усе кампазыцыі кнігі-CD «Бяседныя песьні» выдадзены ўпершыню.

Выданьне зроблена ў выглядзе кніжкі з вышыўкай на вокладцы і багата ілюстраванае старымі фатаздымкамі. Усяго рэліз складаецца з 34 кампазыцыяў: 18 у першай частцы, 14 у другой і два бонус-трэкі. У выданьні зьмешчана даведка аб песеннай традыцыі беларусаў, інфармацыя аб усіх запісах, фатаздымкі зь сямейных архіваў выканаўцаў. Усе зьвесткі перакладзены таксама на ангельскую мову.

(Банкетные (застольные, гостевые, пьяницкие, корчомные, банкетовые, нарушочные, базарные) песни — часть богатого и разнообразного фольклорного наследия белорусов. Это песни, которые пели на праздники, когда в застолье собирались вместе семья, соседи и знакомые.

Записи на диске «Бяседныя песні» состоят из двух частей. Первая — песни и наигрыши из архива Института искусствоведения, этнографии и фольклора имени К. Крапивы НАН Беларуси, собранные в экспедициях с 1960-х. Вторая часть — студийные записи, записанные Татьяной Песнякевич преимущественно в студии Дома Радио в Минске. Все композиции книги-CD «Бяседныя песні» изданы впервые.

Издание выполено в книги с вышивкой на обложке и богато иллюстрировано старыми фотографиями. Всего релиз состоит из 34 композиций: 18 в первой части, 14 во второй и два бонус-трека. В издании размещена справка о песенной традиции белорусов, информация обо всех записях, фотографии из семейных архивов исполнителей. Все сведения переведены также на английский язык.)

Укладальніца — Яніна Грыневіч.

Author and manager of the project – Siarzuk Douhushau

CD composition and introductory note – Yanina Hrynevich
Composition and transcript (Archive of the Institute of Art History) – Iryna Vasilieva
Transcript (T.Pesnyakevich’s archive) – Nasta Niakrasava
Design – Vasilisa Palanina
Page making – Yulia Yaniuk-Kazlouskaya
Embroidery – Yulia Litvinava
Mastering — Artem Petrashkievich
Text editing – Iryna Sliapovich
Translation into English – Viktar Sliapovich

Minsk, Belarus, 2019

Сборник белорусского фолка - Tradycyja 2. Бяседныя песні

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